The Future of Oracle DBA

To all my Oracle DBA friends out there , i am sure you must have got inspired by fellow DBA’s to get into the profession…i did atleast watching  them work on  databases..well if you are have just started off GOOD you have still have some way to go…

For folks who have been there done that what next …maybe IT Manager Role …IT Operations Role…leading to CTO.

While easier said then done my friends how does a DBA climb higher ?

No easy answers but here are few suggestions…

1.) Grow Horizontally …get interested in Development,Audit,Procurement of Software , Datawarehouse Implementation etc

2.) Volunteer for Projects …(Ah i know you want to go home watch the Football/Cricket …spend time Home)

3.) Work on other Areas …spend some time with System Admin folks ..learn OS administration from them

4.)Learn other software’s beyond your area of expertise

5.) Get a higher degree ..enroll for MBA, Short Term Courses.

6.) Last but not the least understand your companies business very well will go long way in helping you understand the business needs ..

My friends transform yourself for next possible role …makes sense..

While you are working on the above …what about doing your  DBA job efficiently…get more time for yourself to ..mantra is automate as much as you can ..standardize…document routine work..reduce your dependency…

I think you will love this video which summarizes DBA 1.0 vs DBA 2.0 before he/she moves up…

Guys do get a EM12c setup and start making your life simpler , while you go work on your next role/job…

Happy Reading !!!


The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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